Thursday, May 31, 2012
Father's Day Ideas Roundup
Friday, May 25, 2012
A Makeover of a Different Kind
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Bentwood, anyone?

Or, ooooohhhh, a grey wash?
Saturday, May 19, 2012
{Saturday Spotlight} Powder Room Makeover
Happy Saturday everyone!
I’m back from a brief blogging hiatus (thanks to no internet…) for another edition of Saturday Spotlight, where I shine the light on fabulous projects from blogland! Today’s feature is an inspiring powder room makeover from Melissa at How Sweet It Is.
Are you ready?
If your heart just skipped a beat and you let out a little squeal, then you had the same reaction as me when I first laid eyes upon this fun space. Those stripes are fantastic!
Melissa started out with a very different feel in this room, one that was quite RED.
I remember a day when I painted a small bathroom red… it lasted all of about a day! The newly painted grey and white stripes have completely transformed this bathroom into a fresher, brighter space.
She accented the grey perfectly with bright, cheery yellow accents – that chevron bunting is amazing.
She also made her own wall art to coordinate with the colors… *swoon*.
Seeing this bathroom has just added another item to my house to-do list, for sure. Thanks Melissa for the inspiration!
If you’d like to see more of Melissa’s incredible home and projects, go visit her at How Sweet It Is, and tell her I sent ya!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Aqua and White Vintage Tea Tray
Linking up with these fun places:
Be Different Act Normal
Tatertots and Jello
Positively Splendid
Lines Across My Face
Brassy Apple
Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Primitive and Proper
Sweet Little Gals
Miss Mustard Seed

Vintage Tea Tray - Sneak Peek!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Hydrangea Success
My love affair with hydrangeas began nearly ten years ago when Mr. home.made. and I were living in North Carolina, where the gorgeous mopheads of blooms could be found around nearly every corner. I couldn’t get enough of the big, bountiful blooms.
Years later, once we settled down and bought a house, I put in my first attempt at mirroring those Carolina landscapes when I planted my first hydrangea plant. My front yard flowerbed received good evening sun and I thought that would be perfect for my new baby. The tag said it needed 4-6 hours of sun so it had to be the best place! Boy, was I wrong. All the evening Texas sun did was scorch the poor thing until I was forced to pull it up and toss it…
I’ve tried again multiple times with this seemingly delicate plant and failed.
What was I doing wrong? Too much sun? Not enough sun? Too much water? Not enough water? I researched hydrangea growing tips, to no avail. Every time I tried to coax the plant to grow and bloom, all it did was wither and die.
I bought two more plants last spring, already in full bloom, figuring that at least they’d be good for some color on my porch until I found yet another way to kill them. Really. I’m not kidding.
The plants actually survived the dreadful Texas summer and drought last year, although a little weather-whipped. They didn’t look fantastic, but they were alive. That was a first for me! When fall rolled around, I moved them from the porch to my flowerbed to make room for my fall mums – they’ve been there ever since.
And you know what? I sort of left them alone, save for the occasional watering and weeding… and an amazing thing happened.
My hydrangeas grew!
By happy accident, they had just what they needed to thrive, and I, the accidental gardener, discovered that a small dose of morning sun, followed by a lot of shade, and watering just when needed was the perfect recipe for a beautiful hydrangea.
Isn’t it amazing how, sometimes, all you need to do to get the desired end result is to stop trying so hard to make it happen?
Saturday, May 5, 2012
{Saturday Spotlight} Tatertots and Jello Kitchen!
Today’s spotlight is someone you might have heard of… she’s pretty popular in the blogosphere, and for good reason! Jen of Tatertots and Jello is famous for her endless supply of craft inspiration, her weekend wrap-ups, and for her beautiful home! My personal fave is her Aqua and White Kitchen, which I’m showcasing today!
She started with this:
And turned it into this!
Can you even believe this is the same space? Wow. I’m always amazed at the power of paint – by lightening her walls and cabinets, the entire room is so much brighter!
Jen added many special touches to her kitchen, many of which she provides tutorials for, just for us!
Like her DIY pendant lights:
And who could forget that aqua door?
Such a fun, inviting space!
There’s so much more of this kitchen to see over on Jen’s site, so make sure you jump over to check the rest out… you won’t be disappointed!
*** All photos courtesy of Tatertots and Jello ***
***Pinners: please use proper pin etiquette and hop over to Jen’s site to pin her images. Thank you!***
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Horse Party Details!
I thought I’d share a few of the special details from my baby girl’s birthday party this past weekend…
She asked to have her party at the local jump castle place just like last year, which doesn’t make for the best photo ops (with all of the fluorescent lighting), but it makes for some happy, sweaty kiddos!
The birthday girl wanted a horse party, so I sent out invites that I made using pink horse cutouts on kraft paper invitations. Easy peasy. Next up, of course, was the birthday cake, or cupcakes perhaps? Thanks to Pinterest, my sister and I found the inspiration for these cuties:
If you don’t look at those and smile, well, I just don’t know what to tell you, cause I couldn’t stop looking at these and smiling! My sister even pulled out some edible glitter from her cake decorating arsenal and made these sparkle like magic! (You can see a few sparkles on the chocolate horse above…)
Being the fashion diva she is, my daughter requested a coordinating outfit for the occasion, and I was happy to oblige with a glitter painted horse tee and pink bandanna skirt (quite possibly the easiest skirt tutorial ever!).
Is she really five already??