Sunday, January 8, 2017


Ah, a new year...

A time for fresh starts and clean slates and new beginnings. It's also a time of reflection for most as we look back upon the prior year and ask ourselves if we made the most of that time. The answer to that question generally shapes our goals (resolutions, if you will) for the coming year.

So my 2016... did I make the most of that time? In some ways, I'd say yes. I was busy most of the year, juggling a full-time job and the completion of a Master's degree. My hubby was a godsend, being Mr. Mom many evenings and nights so I could write papers and complete projects, meaning I certainly didn't spend as much time with my family as I'd have liked. Health-wise, I managed to finally take the reins of my health and fitness by working out consistently and changing how I fuel my body and that of my family. My career is quite fulfilling, especially now that I've let go of mom-guilt and embraced the work that I do in healthcare. It helps greatly that I work for an organization that recognizes that family is important. Through the efforts of friends who are much better get-together organizers than me, I was able to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime.

Now on to 2017. This is big year for me, milestone speaking. I turn 40. My hubby and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage. Big year. I'm not sure that I've devoted quite enough time yet to figuring out how I want this year to look, but let's just say this blog post is a start. Do I have a word for the year? Not yet. Have I determined goals yet? Nope. I'm hoping more of that will be solidified in my mind soon, but I'm still reeling from finishing school and the end of a crazy holiday season. Here's what I do know I want more of in this coming year: More date nights, more conversations with my daughters, more wine shared with friends, more dinners in my home, and more intention. I also want less of some things: less stress, less fuss, less guilt, and less comparison. Am I right?

As for blogging, I do want to return to it but my focus has changed. I'm at a point in my life where my priorities have shifted and I'm no longer spending a lot of time crafting or redoing furniture. I want to share more life, style, and working mom tips and tricks, cause that's where I am right now in life. I'd like to just transition home.made to whatever this new theme will be, but not sure how easy that will be. Hang with me while I figure it out, gang?

Here's to 2017!