Friday, November 22, 2013

New IKEA chair and Goings On

Things have been buzzin around the home.made. abode… I’m still in the process of revamping our living room, and I’m so happy with the latest addition to our furniture: this IKEA BYHOLMA wicker chair!

home.made. IKEA chair

My awesome sister was kind enough to make a trip to IKEA and pick this up for me (since you can’t order online) as I have been kicking myself for not getting it a couple of months ago.

I love this chair.  It’s gorgeous and it adds such a fun mix to my living room furniture.  The cushion and the pillow make it a comfortable spot to curl up – it’ll be even better tomorrow when I’ve got a fire going in the fireplace (thank you cold front!)

The living room makeover is still underway and there’s just a little bit more to do before the full reveal:

Paint Trim

Haul Piano from my Dad’s House

Add Bookcase

Add corner chair

Add wall art

Find round, smaller coffee table

See, doesn’t sound so bad, right?  If any of you have great tips about moving pianos, let me know please!  I don’t want to fork out a lot of money to pay for movers!!

Some other things that have been keeping me busy around here:

I spent a lot of time the past couple of weeks repainting my laundry room cabinets.  If you follow me on Instagram, you were able to see some progress pics.  I’m happy to say they’re finished and hanging and such an improvement – I can’t wait to show you!

I’m also busy prepping to have a booth at an upcoming Christmas event.  It was a last minute decision to do this (and personally, I’m a little intimidated by it) so I’m in mad-crafting mode trying to put together some fun items for my booth.  I have so many ideas that it’s been a challenge to keep my focus small, but I’m trying…

So much going on!  I can’t believe Thanksgiving will be here next week… you for sure wouldn’t be able to tell around here since the only decoration for the occasion are the turkey pumpkins my kiddos decorated for the mantle.  I’ll admit it – I’m a slacker for Thanksgiving this year.  All of the other projects have taken priority and since I’m lucky enough to not have to host Turkey day… I’m not very motivated to decorate.  Heck, I might just even put up my Christmas stuff early this weekend… I’m a rebel like that.

IKEA chair

Here’s one final look at that chair for ya… and as if I don’t have enough to do I’m thinking of painting that armoire in the background.  Off white would be good, yes?

Hope you’re having a great Friday – make it a great one!

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! I just came across your blog today as I was searching for the Ikea Byholma chair. I enjoyed reading your posts! How has your Byholma chair held up over the years? I am considering getting one myself as I Iove the design :)


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