Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring has Sprung

With the return of longer days of sunshine and the green sprouts bursting from the ground, it’s evident that spring is upon us.  Here in Texas, we’re already experiencing summer-like temperatures… so we’re enjoying the outdoors while we can lest a dreadfully hot summer be on its way.

I’ve been adding a few things around the house in preparation for Eastertime…

Mmmmm.  Robin eggs, how I’ve missed you!

I was all set to make a new wreath but then I got this one out and remembered how much I loved it, so on the door it went.

My little Pottery Barn easter tree makes an appearance every year.

And after seeing this little guy at Hobby Lobby, how could I not take him home?!  These remind me of those little plastic, furry coin banks from when I was little.  Does anyone else remember those?

And just in case you want to see what I’m working on…

A sweet little vanity in Duck Egg Blue.  *squee!*

Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful Saturday!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mama’s Little Helpers: Super Sliders

Every now and then, I like sharing some of my favorite tools, gadgets, etc. with you.  I figure if I like them and use them so much, surely someone else out there might need to know about them!

I introduce to you… Super Sliders.

Super Sliders Oval Sliders

My husband and I received these as a gift from our realtor when we sold our first home, and I love them!  They make it possible to move even the heaviest of furniture by yourself.  That’s right – no man power required (literally), which is a plus considering my hubby is gone at work every other weekend and usually when I decide I want to move furniture…  I also use these to slide furniture pieces we sell to the buyer’s vehicle – it makes things so much easier and better for your back.

My other go-to are these: the Super Sliders combo for Hardwoods and Carpet.


Super Sliders, 3-1/2"

Since I use my large oval sliders outdoors on concrete, the plastic bottom has become quite scratched and would do quite a number on my wood floors.  I bought these for indoor only use.  The sheepskin cover wrap around the slider when you want to slide on hardwoods.  When you reach a carpeted area, simply slide the cover off.  Crazy cool invention.  Case in point: I used these to slide my Chevron Dresser  from my office (hardwood) to my bedroom (carpet) then to my bathroom (tile) and then to my closet (carpet).  By myself.  At eleven o’clock at night.  Yeah baby!

I can’t even imagine how long some of my projects would take me if I’d had to wait for my man to get home to help me move things, so I am ever thankful that my realtor tucked these in our home-sale gift bag so many years ago.  Six years, four moves, and many projects later, they’ve served us well.

*** I was in no way compensated for this post.  These are my honest opinions about a product that I love and use. ***

Saturday, March 24, 2012

{Saturday Spotlight} The 36th Avenue’s Mud Closet

Welcome back for another edition of Saturday Spotlight, where I feature some amazing projects by other bloggers out there!

Today’s feature is a gorgeous transformation of a coat closet into a stylish, functional mud closet from Desiree at the 36th Avenue:

I’m always so inspired by other’s abilities to see past the expected use of an object or a room and completely change its look and purpose.  This closet is no exception.  I’m sure we can all attest that our coat closets are similar to Desiree’s before, no?

She painted stripes on the wall and added a great storage bench from Target.

A few accessories later, and she was done!

To see more of this and tons of other fabulous makeovers, stop by the 36th Avenue!

*** All images property of Desiree at the 36th Avenue – PLEASE click over and pin from the original link, not from this feature!  thanks! ***

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chevron Dresser!

I gave you a little peeky-peek of this little dresser, and now it’s time to show her off!

This dresser was another Facebook find… believe me, Facebook is your friend when it comes to finding good deals.  I’m part of a Moms group and someone posted this small dresser for sale – I snagged it as soon as I could!  It was just the perfect height to fit under a shelf in my closet and get my hubby’s clothes out of baskets!

I can not find the before pic of this, but it was painted red with blue knobs, which was perfect for a little boy but not what I had in mind for my man.  After a coat of bonding primer, I painted it with leftover MS Sharkey Grey paint from my office paint job.

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Then came the hard part – measuring and marking and taping to get those chevron angles just right

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Then, I painted the stripes with some leftover MS Glass of Milk paint from my French Grain Sack Dresser.  It’s important to paint in the direction of the stripe – otherwise, the eye gets confused between all the angles.

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In order to get nice lines with the stripes, I used a tip I learned on Fresh Home Ideas.  You first paint along your taped line with the original paint color and then paint your contrasting color.  Works perfectly!  (I’m tempted to try it on my baseboards when I tackle that beast someday.)

Then it was time to peel off that tape to reveal the chevron *squee*!  It was a beautiful moment. *tear*
Some of the paint lines were a little raised so I gently sanded those down, added a coat of Annie Sloan soft wax, and then added the new hardware: these gorgeous mercury glass knobs I found at Hobby Lobby.  (50%off, always!)

And that was it!
Total project breakdown:
dresser: $50, paint: leftover (free), hardware: $16 = $66  Yeah!

I’m quite happy with my new dresser… so much so that now I want to redo my closet too!  It’s all planned in my head already!
Enter Mr. home.made. rolling eyes…

But I know that you guys totally are with me on this, right?

Stay tuned for a newly improved closet to go with my new chevron dresser!  *wink*

Linking up here:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sneak Peek–Chevron

I’m almost done with my latest dresser… but it’s not quite ready for a full reveal just yet.

Care for a sneaky peeky?

Oh yes… I’ve finally landed on the Chevron train!

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Yes, those are paint oopsies.  And yes, those are pencil lines.

Now you know why it’s not ready for the final debut… but you also know what I’ve been up to!

Hope you’re having a fantastic week!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

{Saturday Spotlight} My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Happy Saturday everyone!

It's a rainy, gloomy day in central Texas today, so let's brighten it up a little with a Saturday Spotlight on a fantastic loft makeover by Kristin of My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia.

Kristin completely transformed her loft space with the addition of paint and new accessories... and the result is amazing:

You'll never believe that this desk and bookshelf area used to look like this:

It doesn't even look like the same furniture, does it?  I never cease to be amazed at what white paint can do to a dark wood piece.

In addition to a working office space, she included a relaxed seating area for her family:

The color palette is a combination of all of my own favorites: blue, ivory, brown.  Yum.  What a cozy little space to curl up and relax!

Beauty and function are such a great combination, don't you think?

To see more of her loft, visit Kristin's summary.  While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of her gorgeous home and some DIY projects you won't want to miss!

*** All images courtesy of My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia.***

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Curio Transformation

While Mr. home.made. took advantage of the warm weather and did yard work yesterday, I set out to finish my curio cabinet project (between laundry and cleaning, of course…).  I’m happy to say it’s finally finished!

As I mentioned in my progress post, I painted this piece with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, using a watered down second coat to leave a smooth finish.  I then waxed with AS soft clear wax and buffed with a cotton cloth for a soft sheen. 

I replaced the original glass panels with chicken wire for a couple of reasons.  First, the glass was from the forties and was a major safety hazard because it was not safety glass.  (Proof in point – Mr. home.made. suffered a gash to his hand after moving those panels this weekend.  Ouch.)  Second, some of the panels didn’t survive our two moves last year.  So rather than get six custom glass panels made, I went farmhouse chic with a little poultry caging material.

I measured the panels and cut with wire snips, then secured to the inside of the curio with upholstery staples.  Lots of upholstery staples.

Several scratches and a few curse words later, all of the wire panels were installed!  I did keep the original glass shelves because they were in great condition and weren’t as sharp on the edges.

The original hardware was a dark gold/brass finish so I added some antique silver Rub n Buff and then added more patina with some burnt umber antiquing medium.  I think I may still try and get it a little darker, but I’m living with it for now.

The real showpiece here anyway, is this: my vintage Rose Point china, inherited from my great aunt and uncle.  I think it’s probably the most beautiful thing in my home, and one with a great deal of sentimental value.  And yes, I do use it.  Beautiful and functional, two qualities every item in your home should possess, right?

I’m quite happy with the way this piece turned out – the grey color perfectly complements the ivory china, and it’s really lightened and brightened a piece that felt dark and heavy and a little too serious.

The best part?  It’s still my grandmother’s curio.  Controversial as painting wood furniture may be… it doesn’t change the story of the piece.  It simply adds in another chapter: mine.

Hope you’re having a fantastic Monday!  Are you painting anything today?

Linking up here:

Saturday, March 3, 2012

{Saturday Spotlight} Little Girl’s Room–Less than Perfect Life of Bliss

Happy Saturday!  It’s that time again for Saturday Spotlight, where I feature an amazing project from the blogosphere… up this week is a gorgeous little girl’s room makeover from Julie at Less than Perfect Life of Bliss.  I promise you it won’t disappoint!

Julie gave her daughter a fresh, new room with the addition of colorful accessories.  She took a risk with a bright coral color for a thrift store headboard and the end result is so fun!

Throw in some colorful bedding and accent pillows that she made herself… as well as the framed birdcage wall art.  Amazing.

But perhaps even more fun is the window treatment… a tabbed panel and bunting on a branch!

Every part of this room is brilliant and it makes for the perfect retreat for her special little girl.  Wouldn’t you agree?  Head on over to Less than Perfect Life of Bliss to see more!

*** All images via Julie at Less than Perfect Life of Bliss.