Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Annual Christmas Cookie Decorating Party!

Christmas cookies have always had a special place in my heart.  Growing up, we would invite some of my cousins over during the holidays to decorate cookies.  (Back then, it was pretty much just sprinkles and colored sugar, but we had fun nonetheless.)  My mom would assemble Christmas platters every year for our elderly neighbors – there’d be an apple strudel in the middle surrounded by those cookies and a smattering of Hershey kisses.  *sigh*  Good times.

It’s a genetic thing, I think.  My mom’s mom had a thing for Christmas cookies too.  She’d start making batches a couple of months out, freezing them in decorative tins until it was time for Christmas.  I can’t even tell you how many varieties I sampled while I lived with my grandparents during college.  I can tell you that icebox cookies taste just as good frozen as they do freshly baked.

*sigh* More good times.

With all this baking in my blood, it was just a matter of time before the tradition made its way to my home, and this past Sunday, we had our inaugural Christmas Cookie Decorating Party!  HUGE shout out to my big sis who rolled and baked cookies like they were going out of style while I was cleaning up the aftermath of a week as a hunting widow.  (Those of you who know that term can feel my pain, right?!)

The cookies were piled high – there were multiple holiday shapes of sugar cookies for the kiddos to decorate as well as the traditional gingerbread man.  Cupcake liners held assorted candies, sprinkles, etc..

Yes, these are before photos.  You’ll see the rest of the story in a bit…

I haven’t officially revealed it, but this delicious red baby is my $50 estate sale console!  It was perfect for my snack table.  I added a mirror and this free printable banner from TomKat Studios’ feature for HGTV, then adorned with some candy cane trees and festive reindeer party ware from my second home Hobby Lobby.  (Who can resist 50% off?)

Another view, with my red country Christmas tree in the background.  In the mirror’s reflection, you can see the pompom garland we hung from the transom windows and the cookie cutters added in as part of the décor as well.

But let’s get to the real reason we’re here, shall we?

Decorating cookies!

We provided squeeze bottles of icing in white, red, blue, and green, and the kids were all. about. the. icing.  If you’re thinking of having one of these parties yourself, let me just share this with you: the icing will be everywhere, as will all of the teensy weensy sprinkles...

But that’s what makes it fun, right?!

When the party was over, we transferred each child’s cookies to their own bakery box so they could enjoy the sweets they prepared.  Then, we gave them each a keepsake ornament to remind them of the day.  Remember these little guys?

It was a fun day… the beginning of what I hope to be many Christmas cookie memories for my children and for their friends, and perhaps a tradition my own daughters will one day carry on.

Perhaps one day their children will sneak away with the candy while their mama’s setting up a photo?!

Hope you’re having a joyous holiday season so far!

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