Monday, October 17, 2011

The Great Mantle Debacle

With the fall holiday season underway, I've been admiring all of the fantastic mantle displays around the blogosphere.

Like this one...

And this one...

And this one.

All of these mantle displays are swoon-worthy and I would love to recreate them.  The problem is I have one of these above my mantle:

Source: via Trey on Pinterest


The TV above the mantle is not that big of a deal; rather it's all the cords and things that go with it.  Not attractive with my decor, if you know what I mean.  Luckily, there is hope and that hope, my friends, is called Pinterest!

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Source: via Kristen on Pinterest

Source: via Robin on Pinterest

That last one makes me think I might have this situation solved by the time Christmas rolls around... Now what to do with all of the cord nonsense?  I don't have beautiful built-ins flanking my fireplace; rather I have windows with a view of the pool (not that I'm complaining).

Any ideas?


  1. A fall leaf or burlap garland (pretty full in size) that goes floor across mantle to floor. The cords can be wired to the inside of the garland. At Christmas, replace the garland with a huge magnolia leaf garland or Christmas or material. You're so'll make it work. I can help you (if you need it)!

  2. It looks Tara has a solution! But I've also heard of cutting a hole in the wall behind the TV & running the cords through the wall to wherever they need to go. I don't know if that's feasible for you or not!


Talk to me! Your comments are the chips to my salsa... can't live without 'em! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat!