Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmastime is here...


I.  Love.  Christmas. 


I have been listening to Christmas music on the radio since before Thanksgiving, and I'm itching to decorate the house.  Unfortunately, the keys to the storage building that houses my Christmas tree are MIA... fortunately, I've improvised with the things I can find buried in the garage and the things I can make myself.

Enter the christmas apron from last year's christmas outfit mishap:

And some felt gift bows based on this tutorial from How About Orange.


Fun!  Now, if I can only find those keys so the real decorating can begin!

Another great thing about this time of year is hot chocolate... specifically peppermint hot chocolate from Williams Sonoma.  It is the best, trust me,  Totally worth making it on the stove with milk.  Yum.

By the end of mug, she had chocolate all over her from trying to get the marshmallows off the bottom with her tongue!  How's that for a mug shot?

And if you're still looking for great Christmas ideas, Kim from TomKat studios just released her 2010 Holiday Gift Guide, filled with fabulous ideas from some pretty fabulous ladies.  Hop on over and check it all out, if anything to see her vintage rudolph collection.  To Die For!

Deck those halls!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The View versus To Do

With Christmas quickly approaching, I am desperate to get my house in order and get back to some creating... unfortunately I have a few distractions: two gorgeous little girls that are excited about having a little holiday in their new home!

So the to-do list sits temporarily on the back burner while I enjoy a little baking (the best kind!):

and while I enjoy the view:

Have a fantastic weekend - hope the view is as great where you are as it is from here!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We're moved!

So, we've moved for hopefully the last time ever - we're all exhausted but so excited to be in our new home.  There are still boxes to unpack and room arrangements to figure out and christmas decorating to do... luckily we're about to have some holidays to try and get some more things in place. 

That also means setting up my crafting nook so I can get back to some handmade goodness... now, where is that sewing machine?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Home Lovelies.

I've been perusing home items lately... can't imagine why  ;)  Here are some of the lovelies that want to come home with me:

from Anthropologie  (sensing a pattern?)

Ahem.  Also Anthro.

From Etsy seller ArtinTouch.

More Pyrex!  From Etsy seller bluebell.

From Etsy seller CurryKayDesigns.

I'm a little obsessed with the kitchen things... as you can tell.  Wonder what I'm leaning towards for an accent color?  Can you tell?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

42 shopping days til a Crafty Christmas!! Etsy Eye Candy 11.14.2010

Can you believe it's almost Christmas?  For all of you crafty gals out there, this might be a post to forward to your hubbies as a wish list!!

This little pincushion ring from EllasWardrobe is just perfect for pinning as you go!  (I ordered mine already - don't be jealous!)

Etsy seller hillgroveporcelain offers this gorgeous porcelain thimble... what a beautiful way to protect those thumbs!!

JennMaruskaDesign has a solution for all your sewing needs... the Wool Felt Sewing Set!  Adorable and functional - how great is that?!

CityChicCountryMouse has fabulous ironing board covers and scissor sleeves.  I.  want.  them.

So there it is... the first of many Etsy eye candy collections to come your way this holiday season.  If you have particular themes you want me to peruse Etsy for, let me know.  I'll be happy to oblige... enjoy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Almost Home...

It's getting so close to time for us to move into the house, and I'm so excited.  My kitchen paint job turned out just as I imagined... the cabinets and tile we added to the laundry room are fab.  I can't wait!  My sister (Happy Birthday Sis!) is being an angel and watching the girls this weekend so I can start relocating boxes. 

Sounds so much better than moving, doesn't it?

I'm hoping to get a lot accomplished this weekend: moving, cleaning, lining cabinets... (it's a sickness, I know).  And I'm also hoping the house will speak to me and tell me where to place my little crafty haven.  You see, I haven't quite figured out where this will be just yet.  Even my dh has questioned this.  (Does he know me or what?)

And then maybe I'll have more to show you on this blog... won't that be nice?!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday...

Still no pics of the jacket.  When Lil Sis has actually been obliging enough to wear it, mama's not been around to snap pics.  In the other moments when I could probably bribe her for a photo shoot with some Halloween candy, we've been too busy to even think of such brilliance.


Seeing as it's just the beginning of coat-worthy weather in Texas, I've got some more time to get some good pictures to show you, so hang in there.  If you make it, the pics will come.  Right?!

Other crafting has been pretty much non-existent as we've been busy checking up on some renovation work at the new house, preparing to move yet again, and keeping up with the day to day craziness that is life.  It's so hard too, cause there's so much I want to do.  I just don't have the energy or the time right now.  I do have some ideas cookin' for the Etsy shop and for upcoming christmas gifts... and there may be a tutorial involved somewhere along the way.

Chaos should being slowing down soon...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

School Days Jacket teaser!

I did it.  I finished what is quite possibly the cutest. jacket. ever.

I pieced it together.
I topstitched.
I set in sleeves.  Four of 'em.
I topstitched some more.
I blind-stitched the lining by hand.

And I have a stubborn three-year old who refused to put the dang thing on this morning.

So I have no pictures... but I have a plan.  Tomorrow morning is supposed to be in the 30s in Texas, and somebody will be dressed in a short sleeve shirt.  Luckily for her, I've got a fantastic jacket.

Go mom.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Paint Color Purgatory

I've been spending most of my time this week perusing paint swatches and picking up samples to try out in the new abode - why is it so hard to commit?!  After nine different sample colors, I think I've mostly narrowed down the choices, but I'm still stuck on what to do in my master bath.  The woodwork will all be a walnut stain, the 90s marble is peachy-beige with maroonish streaks -- and I can't find a color I'm willing to live with!!


I am almost done with the School Days Jacket - I've completed most of the outer jacket and my next step is setting in the sleeves on the liner - and then I get to put it all together!  Yay!  I'll post pics soon--