Saturday, May 29, 2010

Popsicle Sleeve Tutorial! (and giveaway...)

To kick off the start of all things hot, all things sunny, and all things summer... how about a tutorial?! 

The popsicle sleeve serves two purposes... it keeps your little one's hands from getting cold while enjoying their tasty treat and it catches any sticky drips that ensue.  The terrycloth lining also adds enough traction to help those little hands slide up the popsicle as they're eating it!
First, gather your supplies.  You will need:

Scrap of fabric for exterior
Scrap of terrycloth fabric
(That's it!)

From exterior fabric, cut out two pieces, each measuring 2 inches x 6.5 inches.
From terrycloth, cut out two pieces, each measuring 2 inches x 6 inches.

Layer exterior fabric (wrong side) with terrycloth (x 2), matching up fabric at the bottom edge.
Fold over exterior fabric at the top, 1/4 inch.  Repeat.  (The hem will overlap the terrycloth.) Pin.

Using a straight stitch, sew along each edge of overlapped fabric, creating two parallel lines.  (I use a contrasting thread because I like the detail, but you don't have to...)

With exterior fabric (right sides) together, pin along outer seams and sew a straight stitch (using 1/4 inch seam allowance).

Snip the bottom corners and turn.

Press along seams and corners with your turning tool (aka chopstick!).

Add popsicle (pop-ice, otter pop...), an adorable kiddo and ENJOY!!

For those of you out there who maybe aren't sewing-inclined... I'm giving away the popsicle sleeve made in this tutorial!  Here's how to enter:

1.  Leave me a comment (with your email address so I may contact you if you win!)
2.  Post about this tutorial on your blog for an extra entry (let me know you did via a comment!)

Winner will be chosen Monday, May 31st, 2010! 

Good luck!


  1. Is it too late? I'm definitely not sewing kiddos like those popsicles and are relegated to eating them on the porch! Wendy

  2. This is too cute! And being so popsickle inclined with my morning sickness, I just might have to make this! :]


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