Monday, November 4, 2013

{Organization} Family Command Center

Life is busy.  Between kids’ events, work schedules, activities, parties, and the rest of the social calendar, it can sometimes be hard to keep everything straight.  Today I’m sharing our Family Command Center, which has really helped us organize our schedules and keep our family running smoothly.

Family Calendar Wall

The Command Center is located in the hallway between our laundry room and kitchen.  It’s an area we pass through multiple times throughout the day so it’s perfect as far as convenience.  It’s also an area that doesn’t get a lot of natural light, so bear with me on the photos…

Family Organization Wall

The wall calendar is the Daily System from Pottery Barn.  I tried finding separate pieces to put together this same type of unit, but I really liked the look and versatility of the Daily System so I ultimately decided to purchase it.  I waited until these were on sale and then used a 15% off coupon and was able to get these for a great price.  Right now I have the corkboard, wall pocket, and magnetic dry erase calendar and I’ll probably add more pieces soon in place of the chalkboards.

The small chalkboards are the plain slate kind that you can get at any crafts store.  The larger chalkboard was a magnetic memo board that I painted with chalk paint; I painted all of the borders with Duck Egg Blue chalk paint so they would coordinate.

The small chalkboards are my girls’ list of daily chores.  I’ve recently had them start sweeping their rooms weekly so my youngest added “swiffer” to her list.  A girl after my own heart…

Organized Family Calendar

The corkboard holds school menus and announcements and the pockets hold my and Mr. home.made.’s mail until we have a chance to look at it.

Family Calendar

And the piece de resistance… the color-coded family calendar.

Yes, you read that correctly.  For all you doubters… try it and see what a difference it makes.  Once everyone gets used to their designated color (it will take a little bit of training), it’s so easy for them to look at the calendar and see what’s happening that week for them.

Now we all know when daddy works, what time practices and games are scheduled, and of course… when there is a holiday or school break.  (Illustrations are optional :))

I fill out this calendar at the beginning of every month and then double check the coming week each Sunday just in case something has changed or was added to our schedule.  Since implementing this, our little party of four is pretty much on the same page every week and heck, we even manage to be on time too!

Have you implemented a Family Command Center or something similar and had success with it?  I don’t know what I’d do without mine!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea!!! We need some organization that is up all the wall for everyone to see.


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